- 2 GPS made simple
2.1 The principle of measuring signal transit time
2.1.1 Generating GPS signal transit time
2.1.2 Determining a position on a plane
2.1.3 The effect and correction of time error
2.1.4 Determining a position in 3-D space - 3 GPS, THE TECHNOLOGY
3.1 Description of the entire system
3.2 Space segment
3.2.1 Satellite movement
3.2.2 The GPS satellites
3.2.3 Generating the satellite signal
3.3 Control segment
3.4 User segment - 4. THE GPS NAVIGATION MESSAGE
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Structure of the navigation message - 5. CALCULATING POSITION
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Calculating a position
5.2.1 The principle of measuring signal transit time
5.2.2 Linearisation of the equation
5.2.3 Solving the equation
5.2.4 Summary
5.2.5 Error consideration and satellite signal - 6. Co-ordinate systems
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Geoids
6.3 Ellipsoid and datum
6.4 Planar land survey co-ordinates, projection - 7. Differential-GPS (DGPS)
7.1 Introduction
7.2 DGPS based on the measurement of signal transit - time
7.3 DGPS based on carrier phase measurement - 8. DATA FORMATS AND HARDWARE interfaces
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Data interfaces
8.3 Hardware interfaces - 9. GPS RECEIVERS
9.1 Basics of GPS handheld receivers
9.2 GPS receiver modules - 10 GPS Applicatons
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Description of the various applications